Tutorial: how to download files with JDownloader
If you want to download files with JDownloader, the first thing you need to do is specify the folder where they will be stored.
To do so, just go to the Settings tab and select “Downloads and Connection”. There you will be able to modify it. Then, JDownloader will ask you to insert a link or URL in order to add a download to its list.
Once you have copied the links, the link grabber of JDownloader will manage them automatically, checking its availability. If they are still online, just click the option “Continue with all” or individually add only those you want to download. Otherwise, you can also clear the list and discard them all.
Now, the selected files will be added to the Download tab, where you will be able to arrange them according to their priority, as well as just pause or resume the tasks whenever you want.
When the download is finished, select it and with a right click you will open the folder where it has been stored. As simple as that.
If you need further instructions to use JDownloader, take a look at our set up guide.